

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” ~ Albert Einstein This quote reminds me of how important value is to man.  A lot more time, we catch ourselves in the cycle of admiring other people for who they are,  what they have achieved or become. We never realize how much they have invested in their lives to attain that desirable Value.  The value that we add to our lives dictates the number of people that we attract and the impact or influence that we have on them. There is nothing such as “A life with no value”. Every living soul has a value attached to them, yet as long as we continue to follow the same old routine that leads nowhere, hanging around people who don't build or add value to us, never venturing out of our comfort zone, then we are bound to remain the same Putting ourselves out on the line and stretching our limits, subjecting ourselves to new experiences, reaching out to new opportunities will al...


In Christian education, the bible should be used to build a framework for informing and directing our inquiries into any subject. It should be used for identifying biblical themes, concepts and doctrines that will help develop a perspective for examining reality. Without doubt, as Christians we all believe that God created the universe out of nothing. Biblically it’s through His word that creation was creatively put in place and in order. He made Man in his own image. One who could be in the same likeness with Him(Image bearer).When God created man, He crown him with responsibility over His creation Describing God is one of the things man still finds difficulty in doing. But God has been able to reveal himself to us in the written scriptures and his creation around us. And indeed with the evidence seen, it’s very obvious that God is very Creative, rational and powerful, and everything that He does is good. His work in the creation was a great act. He continues to creatively care ...


Martin Luther King Jr quoted ; " Love is the only thing that can turn an enemy into a friend " In life, you can’t always stop people from hating you, but you don’t have to hate them back. You can’t always make people love you, but you can choose to always love them no matter what.   “ Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them... ” (Matthew 7:12).  In this fallen world, it isn't always possible to live at peace with everyone. Sometimes despite our best efforts, we’ll just rub people the wrong way.  Its best to live at peace with everyone. If that doesn't work, make sure that you aren't part of the problem increase. Whenever we try to take vengeance into our own hands, we always mess it up. We either attack the wrong person, we say the wrong thing, or we just end up making things worse. We just want to always get even, but its important to know that God always wants to bring us to a place of repentance and reconciliation. God has ...