Christian education, the bible should be used to build a framework for
informing and directing our inquiries into any subject. It should be used for identifying
biblical themes, concepts and doctrines that will help develop a perspective
for examining reality.
doubt, as Christians we all believe that God created the universe out of
nothing. Biblically it’s through His word that creation was creatively put in
place and in order. He made Man in his own image. One who could be in the same
likeness with Him(Image bearer).When God created man, He crown him with
responsibility over His creation
God is one of the things man still finds difficulty in doing. But God has been
able to reveal himself to us in the written scriptures and his creation around
us. And indeed with the evidence seen, it’s very obvious that God is very
Creative, rational and powerful, and everything that He does is good. His work
in the creation was a great act. He continues to creatively care for the
creation even after the fall and he therefore intends for us to be creative in
all that we do. Therefore we believe that creatively caring for God’s creation
is one of the ways that we reflect Cod’s character and participate in his work
whole process of creation also reveals a fundamental character of God as loving
to humankind. And therefore we also believe that another significant part of
our purpose in life is to Love God and our Neighbors. Jesus summed up the
entire law in two commandments; Love the
Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your mind and with all your
soul. And love your neighbor as you love yourself. (Mathew 22:37-39). This is
just to emphasize the point that loving our fellow human beings is a necessary
threat in the fabric of life as God created it. This brings glory to Him
because it’s a demonstration of His character.
man fell short of the glory of the Lord after sinning, God didn’t not curse him
and the world and leave it at that, rather He had a plan to
reconcile human beings to Himself through Jesus Christ(2Cor 5:18). This means
that redemption of humankind and the creation is through Jesus Christ. As image
bearers of God, we are to be reconcilers in a broken and alienated world. We
are to be used as agents, depending on Him for wisdom, love and power to do
those acts that lead to reconciliation and healing. This can’t be any different
in education. It should also be able to help students become reconciling and redemptive
agents working on God’s behalf.
bible therefore shows themes and principles that should be applied to all of
our work; Humans were created to love and to be loved. Therefore all
institutions that involve human beings must incorporate that characteristic of
love. Wholeness and Unity is another biblical theme for us to acknowledge. All that
is to be done in the various institutions that involve human beings should lead
to a sense and experience of wholeness. Lastly, the responsibility of
Knowledge. God’s expectation is that we use the knowledge we have acquired for his
purpose hence bringing glory to Him
purpose for Education is therefore to prepare human beings for life – which is
all about glorifying God
The Nature of the Learner
education to serve its purpose as intended, it must have impact on the learner.
Any kind of teaching that doesn't recognize the created nature of the learner
actually serves a wrong purpose.
biblical teachings give us a framework to understanding better the true nature
of the learner from a Christian point of view.
man was made in the image of God. There is a great impact in the way we deal
with each other in the teaching-learning process as well as in all other realms
of life. However this doesn’t mean that we are infinite and perfect as God’s attributes
are. Rather we as God’s image are to reflect what the reality of God is like, thereby
trying to display his attributes in all dimensions of life as He enables us to
do so
were separated from God through Adam’s sin. This therefore implies that we are
still bound to going wrong in one way or another and therefore need to be
careful with what we do or say to one another.
through Jesus Christ redeemed a people among our fallen race, hence restored
our broken relationship that resulted from the fall. We were therefore called
and empowered to live by the Spirit in truth and righteousness
an attempt to live as a redeemed people of God, we therefore have to explore
and reflect more of the attributes of God so as to live a more glorying and
honoring life
and Purposeful: Looking at God, we notice that from the creation of the world till
now, He has been actively in action. His deeds aren’t a bunch of random things
that just happen, rather all things happen according to His will and good
purpose. In the same likeness, we as his image bearers ought to reflect the
same, our actions must always be driven with meaningful purpose to have an
impact in school and the world at large.
This is a basic element of God’s character as He holds things together through
law and order. We therefore must operate reasonably and not chaotically to be able
to fulfill tasks in a more satisfactory way as we exercise any kind of rule
over God’s creation.
While God created out of nothing, we are certainly limited in our creative
capacities by our finiteness and our dependence on God. However we are capable of creating manifold
things and ideas. This is a one calling for us in order o be able to be great
partners in managing God’s creation
In this case, God’s character sets the standard for man. And therefore we are
to live by the standards that He set through the redemption of Jesus Christ
and Responsible: God acts freely according to His own purposes, making choices
to do as He wills. When we submit ourselves to God we are truly free as we live
out the nature that God gave us.
Being faithful is knowing the truth and acting according to the truth. Given
the fact that we are from a fallen nature, this implies that we still face
difficulties in trying to be faithful. But it doesn’t eliminate the fact that
we are striving to be faithful as He is
Dominion: Of course God is sovereign ruler over all things. As his image bearers
and stewards, we to have to exercise a measure of control over the environment and
the created things living in it
relationship: This involves fellowship which means working together sharing
experiences, communicating with one another and dwelling together in peace.
Just as God exhibits his love to mankind through forgiveness and doing what is
just and good, we are expected to follow God’s footsteps in doing well. We are
always commended by God when we do what is good.
Mercy is an attribute God desires to see us reflect to the world. This is a
reflection of our Love for others
God created human beings to be in constant fellowship with Him and to be loved
by him. Therefore being dependent on God. This kind of dependence also flows to
our fellow human beings.
Nature and roles of the teacher
Teachers are highly esteemed and gifted by God and held responsible over
creation. On the other hand, Teachers must be understood as human beings and
created in the image of God, yet fallen just like any other person.
creative, thinking being: God gave man the responsibility to exercise control
over the world around them and develop its potential, He called him to do it
creatively and rationally, thus teachers are not simply to be in charge rather
creative in charge. Creative thinking takes hard work and diligence.
and responsible: one must be free to be in position to make impactful choices. As
teachers, we are free to use any manuals/guides or create our own as long as
they are within biblical guidelines for the education process.
fallen and redeemed: as teachers, we
should accept the limitations and possibilities of our fallen, finite and
redeemed state. We are not God, but we are called to think and act like Him.
Therefore the distortions that flow from our fallen state should make us cautious
about our interpretations, humble in our approach to students
of the Holy Spirit: when we are redeemed by God, the Spirit of God becomes the
driving force in our lives, this then implies that we ought to demonstrate the
fruit of the Spirit in our teaching. – Love, Patience, kindness, Peace etc. The fruit of the Spirit is not optional or
dependent on whether the teacher tends to be active or dormant.
teacher has multitudes of roles, however teaching redemptively requires
examination of specific roles such as;
model: Jesus being God and human at the same time, gives us a more confident
reason to look at Him as our model teacher. He taught with authority-knowing
what He was doing, He did it without hesitance. Yet he lived what He taught. He
therefore set a good example for us to follow in our teaching.
Priest and King: As a prophet, our role as teachers is to know and interpret
ideas and experiences through the scriptures. The priestly role of a teacher is
similar to that of the Old Testament. We are to pray for the students and act
as healing agents. In one way or another. Finally as a servant king, we are to lead
the students in the discovery of the truth by using our authority to enable the
students to be all they were created to be.
the shepherd’s eyes are always on the sheep, continually aware of what the
sheep are doing. They must always be alert lest the sheep hurt themselves or
others. Likewise As teachers, we are to be on full time alert of how and where
the students are. This is a form of assurance to the students that they are not
alone hence a sense of security and comfort for the students.
Nature of the learning
understanding the concept of the nature of learning we must always put into
consideration the fact that a students learn in conjunction with their true
nature. He is made in the image of God, and as God’s image bearers, they are
creative, proactive, purposeful, dependent, and rational.
most times involves recognition of a process that has impact on behavior.
Behaviour has a big role that it plays in the learning process. Most certainly
all the effort will in most cases be focused sources that influence the
learning. Biblically the heart is the source of human behavior and therefore it
plays a major role in the leaning. It encompasses all that we are because it’s
the center of our being, emotions
therefore involves the following;
- It requires the involvement of the person
- It occurs at a level that engages the person’s whole being (rather that the mind)
- It requires a person to commit to something as the whole truth and to act upon it, whether that commitment simply strengthens an already existing behavior or creates a new one.
the learning process, perception and conceptualization add a string to better
learning for a student. Conceptualization involves placing an experience or an
idea in a larger framework and it more heavily emphasizes analysis. Conceptual
learning involves a person discovering the form of a concept by observing
objects that do and do not fit the detonation of the name used for the concept (Hunt 1974). On the other hand,
Perception has more of learning with little or no analysis.
most cases, Perception demands immediate responses hence no time to
conceptualize an idea or an experience
also involves induction and deduction. In other words, it consists of weighing
the observed facts and the general principles that must have been tested and
used over a period of time
in the Learning. For learning to take place well, it should be engaging in one
way or another. This needs to be done in very many creative ways so that it can
make the learner to be more interested in the subject of learning. Creative tension is one way a learner can be
active in their learning. It puts a learner in a state of desiring to know and
hence demanding attention for easy learning. Learning needs to also relate the
ideas with real life events.
Subject matter and the Curriculum
is meaningful learning when the subjects allow students to become more involved.
In order for the curriculum to be developmental, it must utilize all the four
sources of knowledge in appreciate ways. These sources include the following;
- The Bible,
- The organized bodies of knowledge
known as the academic disciplines,
- Individual person
- Needs and issues of the society.
the process of acquiring knowledge, Christians should not separate knowledge into
secular and sacred. All knowledge has a spiritual basis in it, whether its from
findings or bible.
knowledge also comes with a responsibility of action. Normally our actions are
as a result of some knowledge acquired. This means that whatever we do is a
result of what we know
God’s sole purpose of creating man was to
glorify Him, therefore whatever man does on earth is meant to bring glory to
God. Christian Education therefore is a tool
to assist man to respond to the purpose in the best appropriate ways. So
whatever is done in Christian schools must intend to help students respond
positively to their purpose in life. This is supposed to be evident in all the
subject curricular, school activates and in the different ways that teachers
deliver the education services to the students
curriculum guides for the various subjects and activities should be formed with
biblical backgrounds or themes and they should be in position to impact the learner in
a positive way.
learning process should allow more student involvement/engagement. This creates
a more lasting impact on the leaner
Graham, Donovan L.Teaching Redemptively: Bringing grace and truth into your classroomSecond Edition2009 Hunt Ear B. 1974Concept learning: An information processing problem, New York: Wiley and sons 1962.Reprint, Huntington, NY: Robert Krieger
“Christian education begins where evangelism ends, helping believers grow in their faith.”
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