As life pushes its wheels forward, we occasionally find ourselves making a lot of mistakes. Mistakes that really cost us a lot, right from inside out,
       But in due course I have come to learn that when that happens, We should not get drowned in regret or self-pity rather choose to learn everything we can from the error of our ways to make progress. Then commit ourselves to never make the same mistakes again.
Everyone makes mistakes, and if you’re going to do anything worthwhile, you’re sure to make some of your own. You cannot entirely avoid making mistakes, yet you certainly can avoid making the same mistake multiple times.
So the best thing is to learn to fully forgive yourself for any shortcomings in the past. Then diligently get to work creating a bright and valuable future, starting where you are right now.
Don’t allow the past to imprison you or discourage you. Instead, let the opportunities of the present inspire you to take solid, effective action.
Life is now, so be here now and give your focus to what you can do with now. Life is now, so live it now without being weighed down by what has already come and gone.
Be truly thankful for what you are now, then let the past go and let yourself soar into a magnificent, fulfilling future.
We have a choice to either stay in the position that we’re in right now, or change to be better people for tomorrow.
Remember that in all that God still has a way through for His all sufficient grace, His enabling power to work in our lives

18…Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. 
Isaiah 43:16-19 (NKJV)

It starts Now!



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