Do you Desire to grow an Everlasting Muscle?
In a gym, there is a bunch or equipment used, but every piece of equipment found there is deigned to build a specific part of the body, but at the end of the day when they are all used appropriately, they all contribute to the general body/ Muscle Development or growth of a person
In the same likeness, for a Christian to see change in their lives (Christian Giant Muscle), there must be intentional ‘muscle/body building’ that needs to be done using some given equipment’. There are chunks and chunks of things that can be done or used to build a giant Christian Muscle.
But there are these few essentials I want to concentrate on that I have used before and indeed seen a Muscle grow. I call them habits, because they have moved from a “desire state” to a “daily State” in my life.
Prayer/Set apart time with God:
We can always commune with the God on a ‘spur-of-the-moment’ basis many times each day, however there is this time planned or set aside in advance for the sole purpose of a personal meeting with God. Jesus frequently went out to a solitary place to commune with His Father regularly, a time when there were no interruptions expected either from his disciples or multitudes, He used this time to pour his heart to his Father, I would say digging his inner feeling out to Him. This kind of time creates a closer intimacy between us and God. The length of that time does not really matter, but it should at least be enough to create a great experience. I can promise you that that time is indeed a rewarding experience and a big exercise to growing a Christian Muscle
The Word:
For the fact that the word of God is infallible, complete and Authoritative, it gives us confidence to believe that it’s surely God Breathed. The Word contains His mind, and His plan for all of us and indeed we can be self-assured that everything He has planned and promised will definitely come to fulfillment. In one of His teaching, the Parable of the Sower, Jesus likened the word of God to Seed (Mathew13:1-23). In other words its life, and therefore has the ability to bring forth more life abundantly. When we heed in the word of God, we received Life, Life that comes from God Himself. As Christians who desire to grow our muscle, the word of God is to be key in our lives. Reading the word of God isn’t like reading a piece of an article, it includes extra attention;
Reading/Studying the word: This involves reading to acquire advanced knowledge about something in the word
Memorizing: Beyond just reading, one needs to memorize. This definitely has a lot to do with remembering what has been read. And if we are to hide the word of God in our hearts, we then have to memorize it. Memorizing the word creates a well in us from which we can continually drink whenever we feel thirsty.
Meditate: to meditate is to digest the word of God…. The writer In Joshua emphasized more on this when he said “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)
When we keep the word of God in our hearts, and drink from it, will help us in developing our Christian Muscles
Generosity; This is one other form of Growing a great Muscle in a Christian. I recently talked about The Magic of Generosity. And pointed out how much Generosity can positively affect us. True generosity is done at a free will and out of pure love with No strings attached or any kind of expectations, yet greatly rewarding
I have tried and experienced its exceeding magic, Give it a shot.
Someone once said “Habit is stronger than Desire”. When you work at having or practicing something, and indeed do it with consistence, it then turns to be a habit…. Remember it’s always hard to come out of a habit, So how about you create a new trend of having positive habit
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)
Develop your Christian Muscle!
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